
Jenny's blog

Jenny writes about adventures in the London sci-lit-art scene...and occasionally beyond, at Mind the Gap on Occam's Typewriter. Her latest few posts are:

15th September 2024

In which I slowly kill what I love

I sometimes feel like I am living in the last gasp of the “having your cake and eating it too” era. The planet is approaching a climatic tipping point – if not past it already. Widespread war is sparking ever … Continue reading

14th July 2024

In which I dream of escape

Sometimes everything just seems too much. As the non-existent summer rolls on – 14C mornings of rain or overcast, wool sweaters taken back out from storage – I find my stress level to be the only thing heating up. As … Continue reading

6th May 2024

In which I make the best of things

Greetings from the tail end of a typical British bank holiday, where the big highlight was gardening in the rain. In all seriousness, it was rather lovely to be out tidying up the flower beds in the fresh air, among … Continue reading

Never clone alone

Never clone alone

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